Here are the list of eqipments that are under our disposal
Flocculator (Jar Test Apparatus)
used for water treatment and testing
Turbidity Meter
monitoring water quality
Digital Spectrophotometer
used to measure the concentration of a compound in an aqueous solution.
Magnetic Stirrer
used to make a stir bar, immerse in a liquid, quickly spin, or stirring or mixing a solution
Heating Mandle
used to apply heat to containers
Microprocessor EC-TDS-Sal Meter
used for precise electrical conductivity, Salinity and Temperature measurements.
Water Still
Used to heat water to a volatile vapor phase thus separating it from non-volatile impurities.
Hot Air Oven
Used to sterilize by dry heating
Ph Meter
used to obtain more accurate pH measurements
Industrial Oven
Used for drying, curing, testing, and coating of various materials.
Direct Shear Apparatus
measures the force and horizontal displacement of a representative soil specimen that is sheared along a controlled horizontal plane at a constant rate of deformation.
Consolidation Apparatus
used to determine the consolidation characteristics of soils of low permeability.
Motorized CBR test Apparatus
Used to defines the relative bearing ratio and expansion characteristics
Compression test Apparatus
Used to determine a material's strength and deformation behaviour under compressive (pressing) load.
Permeability Apparatus
used for the laboratory determination of permeability of soils using a constant or a variable head.
Ductility test Apparatus
Used to measure the elongation of a binder specimen before failure.
Standard Penetrometer
used in geotechnical investigation to determine the relative density and angle of shearing resistance of soils
Ring and Ball Apparatus
used to determine the softening point of bitumen, waxes, LDPE, HDPE/PP blend granules, rosin and solid hydrocarbon resins.
Casagrande Apparatus
used to determine the moisture content at which clay soils pass from plastic to liquid state.
Marshal Apparatus
used to measure the load and flow rate of asphalt specimens
Hardness testing Machine
used to indicates the hardness of a material
Torsion testing Machine
used to determine the torque load of specimens made of different materials in static tests
Spring testing Machine
used for quick and accurate testing of tension and compression springs.
Tile flexural strength testing Machine
used to test flexural strength of concrete beams.
Vickers Hardness testing Machine
used to determine hardness in materials in the micro hardness test load range.
Compression Testing Machine
used to determine a material's strength and deformation behaviour under compressive (pressing) load.
Universal testing Machine
used to test the tensile stress and compressive strength of materials.
Impact testing Machine
used to determine the resistance of a material
3D printer (Creality Ender-5 Plus)
allows for the design and print of more complex designs than traditional manufacturing processes.
Centre Lathe
used to manufacture cylindrical shapes from a range of materials including; steels and plastics.
Bench Grinder
used to sharpen other tools.
Blower double insulated
used for flow of air/gas required for exhausting, aspirating, cooling, ventilating, conveying etc.
Corded Electric Circular saw
used for sawing wood or rigid plastic
Motorized Blower for smithy
Used to deliver a consistent air supply to the base of the fire to aid the combustion process.
Pillar type Drilling machine
used to accurately machine, drill or tap holes in a variety of materials such as metal and wood.
Power hacksaw machine
used to cut any type of material whether it may be metallic or non-metallic material.
Wood turning Lathe
used to shape wood into cylindrical profiles.
Welding transformer single phase
used to convert the high-voltage input or, primary power, from the wall plug
Welding transformer three phase
used to convert the high-voltage input or, primary power, from the wall plug
Circular saw with planer
used to trim boards to a consistent thickness.
Welding Set (IGBT)
used for ring projection welding and multi-point projection welding.
MS Electrode Drying Oven
designed to store welding electrodes properly in order to prevent moisture absorption, which produces porosity in the weld deposit.
Variable Speed Pendulum Jigsaw Angle Grinder
used for cutting shapes and curves
Electric Hand Planer
used to smooth out pieces of wood by removing thin shavings from the surface.
Corded Electric Drill Machine
used for drilling and driving.
AC servomotor Trainer kit
Robotics, Conveyor Belts, Camera Auto Focus, Robotic Vehicle, Solar Tracking system, Metal cutting & Metal forming machines, Antenna Positioning, Printers, and Automatic door openers
AC servo motor unit
AC servo motors are mostly used in industrial fields.
DC servo motor trainer kit
Robotics, Conveyor Belts, Camera Auto Focus, Robotic Vehicle, Solar Tracking system, Metal cutting & Metal forming machines, Antenna Positioning, Printers, and Automatic door openers
System Simulation Software
Used to enable engineering teams to optimize mechatronic systems earlier by assessing the interactions between mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, thermal, electric, and electronic components before the first physical prototype become available.
Power system Software
used to create models, analyse or calculate the design of Power stations, Overhead power lines, Transmission towers, Electrical grids, Grounding and Lightning systems and others.
CAD software
used for detailed engineering of 3D models or 2D drawings of physical components
Programmable logic controller Trainer
used for industrial automation to automate different electro-mechanical processes.
Modulation Generator
used to produce signals for testing and measuring the characteristics of analog and digital circuits and devices.
Used to measure electrical phenomena and test, verify, and debug the circuit designs.
Overcurrent relay testing Machine
used to determine the current which trips the breaker.
Auto synchronous motor unit
used in applications in which a constant and precise speed is required.
3 Phase SR IND Motor & DC Motor unit
used for loads that requires speed control.
3 Phase Cage IND Motor unit
used as industrial drives
3 Phase Alternator & DC Motor unit
Used to create the rotating magnetic field and for maximum power
DC Motor & Generator unit
used to charge batteries, provide lighting and provide excitation to alternators.
150 Amps Rectifier unit
used to convert alternating current (AC), which reverses direction, into direct current.
DC Panel
used in low voltage applications such as charging batteries, automotive applications, aircraft applications and other low voltage, low current applications
Single phase 50Hz Transformer
used in low voltage appliances
Single phase Induction Motor
used in equipment and machines that are smaller in size and require lower horsepower
AC panel
used to deliver power to houses, office buildings, etc.
DC Shunt Motor unit
used for industrial, adjustable speed applications, such as machine tools, winding/unwinding machines and tensioners
DC Series Motor unit
used where high starting torque is required, and speed variations are possible.
Variable and Fixed Power supply
used for providing stable electricity.
Analog CRO
used to measure the voltage, current, frequency, inductance, admittance, resistance, and power factor.
Used to measure and record electrical signals.
Function Generator
used to generate and deliver standard waveforms, typically sine and square waves, to a device under test.
Digital IC Trainer Kit
electronic circuit that can help in creating working circuits.
8051 Microcontroller kit
This 8051 Trainer kit has an option to connect PC's 101/104 Keyboard, to enter user programs in Assembly languages.
8086 Microprocessor kit
This 8086 Trainer kit has an option to connect PC's 101/104 Keyboard, to enter user programs in Assembly languages.
Microwave Test bench
used for testing and measurement of various microwave modules in the lab.
Software Design Radio
uses software for the modulation and demodulation of radio signals.
Fibreoptics Trainer Kit
A Fiber Optic Trainer Kit aids in learning about optical fiber communication.
FPGA kit
FPGAs enable flexible, reconfigurable computing, as most enable the user to reprogram the hardware circuit with different logic functions.
DSP kit
Used for performing mathematical functions like "add", "subtract", "multiply" and "divide" very quickly.
used for a closer examination of three-dimensional specimens
used to determine the weight or mass of an object.
used in the laboratory to perform chemical reactions, to heat samples.
used for testing food products, pharmaceutical items, and other consumable materials to check their temperature stability during the shelf life.
used for environmental testing, clinical diagnostics, pharmaceutical analysis, and biochemistry.
used in laboratories for contamination sensitive processes like plant tissue culture.
used to study true microscopic sized animals, plants and cells.
used to measure hydrogen ion activity in solutions
Used for a variety of general-purpose shaking applications in cell culture, bacterial growth and suspension, staining and washing procedures.
used to estimate a liquid culture's density of microorganisms by counting individual colonies on an agar plate, slide, mini gel, or Petri dish.
used for heating and defrosting in laboratories.
used to incubate samples at a constant temperature over a long period of time.
used in the rapid mixing of samples.
used in hospitals, Operation Theater (OT), microbiology laboratory for sterilization of various medial and cultures.
Horizontal Autoclave
used in hospitals, Operation Theater (OT), microbiology laboratory for sterilization of various medial and cultures.
Multiple Effect Evaporator
uses sensible heat in the condensate to preheat liquor to be evaporated.
Shell And Tube Heat Exchanger
used for the flow of in-line heating and cooling.
Orifice, Venturi and Rotameter Test Rig
Used for measuring the flow rate of fluid inside a pipe.
Isothermal Batch Reactor
To study the progress of a Chemicals reaction and determine the kinetic parameters.
Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor
used in industrial processing, primarily in homogeneous liquid-phase flow reactions where constant agitation is required.
Plug Flow Reactor
used in the production of biodiesel and other biofuels with a recycle system for its steady-state operation
Used to provide clean, dry, and compressed air.
Simple Distillation Unit
useful for separating liquid mixtures when the components have different boiling points.
Sieve Shaker and Sieve Set
used for separation and size determination of particles.
Ball Mill
used in laboratory for rapid, reproducible pulverizing, milling or grinding of a large variety of materials
Natural Convection Apparatus
used in Cooling of commercial high voltage electrical power transformers, Heating of houses by electrical baseboard heaters.
Emissivity Measuring Apparatus
Used to measure the emissivity of test plate.
Rotary Shaker
for mixing and development of cultures, chemicals, solvents, and assays etc. in Microbiological, Cell Culture & Life Science laboratories.
Centrifugal Pump Test Rig
Used to obtain the performance characteristics of a centrifugal pump.
Drag Coefficient Apparatus
Used to understand the fundamental characteristics of the behaviour of the particle system, in particular the relationship between the drag coefficient of falling particles and Reynolds number.
Muffle Furnace
Used to isolate the samples from the fuel and the combustion to eliminate contamination of the samples.
Pensky-Marten Apparatus
used to measure the flash point for oils whose flash point is between 80°C - 400°C.
Rotek Soxhlet Extraction Heating Mantle
used for heating or tempering organic liquids placed in reaction kettles, round-bottomed flasks, or relevant reaction vessels required for the boiling, evaporation, distillation, or extraction process.
Reynolds Apparatus
Apparatus that gives a visual demonstration of laminar and turbulent flow.
TDS Meter
A TDS meter indicates the total dissolved solids (TDS) of a solution.
Forced Convection Apparatus
heat transfer mechanism where heat moves from one place to another through fluid currents.
Laminar Air Flow Vertical
It emphasizes gravitational impact and moves the flow via the front access area to remove the particles.
Fume Hood
Used is to prevent the release of hazardous substances into the general laboratory space by controlling and then exhausting hazardous and/or odorous chemicals.
Flash Evaporator
Used for removing solvents efficiently via the process of evaporation.
Deep Freezer (-80 deg C)
Used to preserve medical samples, medicines, and more for extended periods.
CO2 Incubator
Used to maintain an optimal environment for cell growth, by providing carbon dioxide control in a humidified atmosphere with constant temperature.
Double Distillation Unit
Used for generating pure water for laboratory uses like reagents, buffer preparations, pH solutions, rinsing, media preparation, in baths, autoclaves etc.
used as a measurement of pollutants in water, wastewater, and aqueous hazardous wastes.
Benchtop Centrifuge
used in laboratories to separate fluids, gases, or liquids based on density.
Ultrasonic Cleaner
uses high-frequency sound waves to agitate the liquid. The force from this process causes contaminants to dislodge from the surface.
Digital Photoelectric Colorimeter
Used for analysis of blood, water, soil nutrients and foodstuffs, determination of solution concentration, determination of reaction levels, and determination of bacterial crop growth.
Electrophoresis apparatus and accessories
used to separate nucleic acids and proteins based on their size and charge.
UV-Vis Spectrophotometer (Double beam)
used to study conformational changes in molecules such as monoclonal antibodies or proteins.
Refrigerated Microcentrifuge
used for the separation of microliter temperature-sensitive heterogeneous mixtures or samples.
Thermal Cycler (PCR)
used to amplify DNA and RNA samples by the polymerase chain reaction.
Dry Bath
used to thaw, boil, incubate and warm samples for use in molecular biology, assay preparation, tissue/cell culture, biochemistry, genetics and proteomics.
Light Microscope
Used to examine specimens of any size, whole or sectioned, living or dead, wet or dry, hot or cold, and static or fast-moving.
Gel Documentation System
Used for the imaging and documentation of nucleic acid and protein suspended within polyacrylamide or agarose gel.
Orbital Shaking Incubator
Used to simultaneously incubate and shake or agitate samples.
Used for analysis of blood, water, soil nutrients and foodstuffs, determination of solution concentration, determination of reaction levels, and determination of bacterial crop growth.
Fermenter with accessories
used for cell biology, tissue, cell, and microbial cultures.
Cooling centrifuge (Model C 24 BL)
used for the separation of microliter temperature-sensitive heterogeneous mixtures or samples.
Laminar air flow chamber- vertical
Used to prevent contamination of semiconductor wafers, biological samples, or any particle sensitive materials.
used for evenly dispersing nanoparticles in liquids.
used to blend chemical or biological samples.
used in laboratories to sterilize equipment, instruments, and infectious waste.
Membrane separation unit
Used to separate biological macromolecules, colloids, ions, solvents, and gases.
Bacteriological Incubator
used for storage of bacteria plate and bacterial culture growth at 37 degree Celsius.
Centrifuge (Model C24)
used for centrifugation of temperature sensitive material
Ice Flaker
Used for maintaining the conditions of proteins, enzymes and other reagents during lab experiments
Mispa Viva
It is a semi-automated biochemistry analyser proficient in performing tests on whole blood, serum, plasma, and urine as a sample.
Mispa i2
It is a semi-automated specialized protein analyzer that provides excellent accuracy and rapid turnaround times.
Mispa i3
It is an automated cartridge based specific protein analyzer designed to deliver consistent and reproducible result with ease
Mispa Count
Mispa Count X is a quantitative and automated 3-part haematology analyzer designed for In vitro Diagnostic use in clinical laboratory. It is mainly used for blood cell counting
Mindray BC300 Plus
It is a fully automated analyzer performing hematological analysis on whole blood
Used to gain an increased understanding of electrode processes, analytical chemistry, battery research, and corrosion research.
Nanofiber Electrospinning Unit
used to create nano and microfibres with diameters ranging from 50nm to 5 microns.
Microprocessor PH System
used to obtain more accurate pH measurements.
Used to measure the voltage or potential difference among two points of an electronic or electrical circuit.
Used for measuring either direct (DC) or alternating (AC) electric current, in amperes.
It is a test tool used to measure two or more electrical values
Electrosurgical unit
used in surgery to cut, coagulate, dissect, fulgurate, ablate and shrink tissue.
Electrosurgical unit Analyzer
It automates the testing and inspection of the output circuits and safety features of ESUs.
Infusion Pump
Used to deliver fluids, such as nutrients and medications, into a patient's body in controlled amounts.
Syringe Pump
used to deliver a very small amount of medications
Patient Monitors
used for continuous measurement of patient parameters such as heart rate and rhythm, respiratory rate, blood pressure, blood-oxygen saturation and many other parameters to take care of critically ill patients.
used to prevent or correct an arrhythmia, an uneven heartbeat that is too slow or too fast.
Lux Meter
used for measuring brightness in lux, fc or cd/m².
Digital Thermometer
Used to measure temperature with a high level of precision for applications such as experiment monitoring, instrument calibration, materials testing, and maintaining a sterile work environment.
Biopac MP-45
Used to record data from Human bodies, animals or tissue preparations.
Used for mechanically pumping oxygen into your body.
Hand Dynamometer
used to measure isometric grip force (hand grip strength).
Automatic External Defibrillator
used to help those experiencing sudden cardiac arrest.
PCB Driller
Used for creating holes, slots and other cavities in an electronic circuit board.
LCR meter
Used for performing direct and precise measurements of inductors, capacitors and resistors using different test frequencies.
digital stethoscope
Used to convert an acoustic sound to electronic signals, which can be further amplified for optimal listening.
NI Virtual instrumentation hardware
Used to create a complete and customized system for test, measurement, and industrial automation by combining different hardware and software components.
It is a modular engineering educational laboratory device developed specifically for academia. With its hands-on approach, educators can help students learn practical, experimental skills.
It is a PIC Microcontroller and is normally used in Embedded Projects like Home Automation System, Bank Security System etc.